Core Values
Core values is the means by which Nash Industries Inc. ensures that the construction, including field employees and suppliers, complies with the requirements of the contract. The Quality Assurance Program shall be adequate to cover all construction operations, including both on-site and off-site activities, and shall be coordinated with quality control measures that include monitoring of source materials and field work to ensure conformance with the required standard quality established in the contract documents.
We will utilize our Three Phase Quality Assurance Program, which was adapted from the US Army Corps of Engineers 3 step process. The Preparatory Inspection assures the installing crew for construction activities has been thoroughly briefed on the performance standards before the first definable feature of work is performed; assuring that all submittals have been approved; and the installer possesses the requisite information, drawings and specifications necessary to perform the work. Upon approval of this first inspection, the specific workers are released to perform one day’s work followed by an initial inspection, to ensure conformation to the agreed upon standards. If a problem is discovered, corrective direction is provided, and the subcontractor is released to perform an additional day of work, which is the inspected. After passing initial inspection, the subcontractor is released to perform work on broader basis with follow-up inspections thereafter to maintain continued conformity. This process has virtually eliminated rework and any delay in schedule while increasing subcontractor profitability (which translates into more competitive bids in the future.)
Quality Assurance Program Procedures
The Superintendent/Forman shall conduct and implement the following Quality Control procedures for each definable feature of work:
Preparatory Inspection: Prior to the start of each separate definable segment of work or prior to the start of work where a change in a construction operation is defined by Nash Industries Inc., a coordination meeting will be held between Nash Industries Superintendent/Forman and all appropriate employees. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure there are no misunderstandings regarding the quality as well as the technical requirements of the contract. Nash Industries Inc. Superintendent/Forman will be on-site all times during the work and shall have the authority to effectively resolve any quality control issues that may arise, including stopping the work.
- The following minimum items will be reviewed at the quality assurance meeting:
- Contract Requirements
- Shop drawings and submittals
- Nash Industries Inc. Quality Assurance Program Requirements
- Adequacy of previous operations
- Availability of required materials and equipment
- Nash Industries Quality Assurance Inspections and Tests
- Customer’s Quality Assurance Inspections and Tests and City Inspections
- Familiarity and proficiency of Nash Industries Inc. and workforce perform the operation to required workmanship standards
Any other preparatory steps dependent upon the particular operation Nash Industries Inc. Superintendent/Forman will chair the meeting and the results of the preparatory coordination meeting shall be documented by separate minutes prepared by the Superintendent/Forman and attached to the Daily Quality Assurance Summary Report.
Initial Inspection: upon completion of a particular scope of work and prior to the start of a new or changed operation, Nash Industries Inc. Superintendent/ Forman and the employees meet to review the adequacy of the work accomplished. The employees are responsible for scheduling the initial inspecting in a timely manner so that the work is not delayed or hindered.
At a minimum, the following items will be checked at the initial inspection meeting:
- Review minutes of preparatory inspection meeting
- Conformance to Contract Drawings, Specifications, and accepted Shop Drawings or Submittals of the representative sample work
- Adequacy of materials and articles utilized
- Adequacy and results of inspection and testing method
- Adequacy of safety and environmental precautions
Once approved, the representative sample will become the baseline of quality by which ongoing work is compared for quality and acceptability. To the maximum extent, approved representative samples of work shall remain visible until all scope of work in the appropriate category is complete.
During this inspection all issues with non-compliance work will be resolved. The initial inspection should be repeated for each new trade that works on -site or at any time acceptable specified quality standards are not being met. Nash Industries Inc.’s Quality Control Manager will conduct the initial inspection. The results of the initial inspection shall be documented by separate minutes prepared by the Superintendent and attached to the daily quality control summary report.
Follow-up inspection; Daily checks shall be performed to assure continuing compliance with contract requirements, including control testing, until completion of the particular scope of work. Deficient work shall be clearly explained on the daily report under items of concern and noted on the item of concern punch list.
Additional preparatory and initial inspections: Additional preparatory and initial phases may be conducted on the same definable scope of work as determined by Nash Industries Inc. if: the quality of on-going work is unacceptable; there are changes in the on-site production supervision or work crew; if work on a definable feature is resumed after a substantial period of inactivity, or if other definable problems occur.
Pre-Final Acceptance Inspection: When the work is completed, Nash Industries Inc. shall conduct a Pre-Final Inspection. Nash Industries Inc.’s Project Manager will schedule the Pre-Final inspection and will prepare a list of deficient or incomplete items (Punch List) discovered during the inspection. The punch list will be transmitted to the Superintendent/Forman for correction of deficient or incomplete items. Following correction of the deficient or incomplete items, Nash Industries Inc.’s Project Manager shall notify the customer’s representative and Nash Industries Inc.’s QCI/Safety Manager that they can conduct the Final Acceptance Inspection.
Punch List: During the Pre-Final or Final Acceptance Inspections, work that is found to be incomplete or in nonconformance with the contract requirements such as loose bolts, damage, unsatisfactory workmanship, etc.; will be identified on a punch list. The punch list will be distributed to the client and the Superintendent/Employees and posted at the site where the nonconformance work has occurred. Pre-Final punch list are to be cleared within seven (7) business days.
Final acceptance Inspection: After Nash Industries Inc. has completed all items on the punch list (generated from the pre-final acceptance inspection) they shall request a final acceptance inspection on the definite date. Seventy-two (72) hours advance notice shall be given to the client. Upon verification by Nash Industries Inc. that the work is ready for final inspection and the acceptance, the client shall within ten (10) business days make a final inspection.
Total Quality Management for each of the construction phases, including close out and commissioning: total quality management means we will seek ways to continually improve the management processes used by the team. This is especially true for the project closeout and commissioning in this busy construction market. Nash Industries Inc. is implementing a closeout conference as standard practice on all projects. This closeout conference occurs at approximately 80% of substantial completion and goes deep into the supplier, manufacturer, and contractors’ organization. We fully understand the requirements for operation manuals, record documents, as-built drawings, record approved submittals and samples, etc.
Nash Industries inc. understand the critical importance of the closeout/commissioning process and how it relates to the overall success of a construction project. We realize the positive impact expedited closeout and building commissioning can have on a job. We will work with the clients and architects to effectively manage the closeout and commissioning process.
Nash Industries Inc. whole heartedly believe that the only way we can continue to improve is by measuring our success according to our clients. This information helps us grow as team members and as a company, and support the re-development of processes and procedures for better execution on future projects.
We utilize a “customer quality audit” which is essentially a questionnaire that evaluates our performance on several levels from project management to project execution. We then analyze the results and create a report of successes and areas for improvement from each audit returned by the clients.